Investor | Syndicator | Mentor

Nick Van Dyk

Helping you earn Passive Income through Partnership Real Estate Investing

Helping you earn Passive Income through Partnership Real Estate Investing

Nick heads a leading real estate company investing in multifamily rentals, vacation rentals and syndicated ‘self storage’ developments in Canada and The United States of America. Our goal is to offer high value opportunities for investors and help you enter into the growing and high-potential market of real estate. Nick is actively engaged in investing in Real Estate and leveraging the market to generate passive investment opportunities to have your money work for you.

Passive Investing

Put your savings or equity to work to generate passive income to pay you every month without the hassle of being the active investor. You get all the benefits of real estate investing, you get the monthly cashflow, you get equity, you get to have someone else pay your mortgage, all the tax benefits but without the headaches!

Private Lending

Through our private lending program you can start earning passive income with a predictable return, plus have the option for equity upside in our deals. Start having cash automatically be deposited into your account on a monthly basis in less than 30 days.


I offer comprehensive mentorship and coaching programs tailored to individuals interested in real estate investing in the United States and Canada. Whether you’re looking to venture into residential flips, commercial multifamily properties, self-storage developments, or syndications, my guidance can provide valuable insights and strategies.

Custom Events

We offer exclusive real estate mastermind groups that bring together investors and entrepreneurs looking to surround themselves with highly successful individuals. These masterminds provide a platform to network, collaborate, and learn from like-minded professionals who have achieved remarkable success in various real estate ventures.